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Yixing JiuHeng Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.

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Import machinery and equipment high fraction defective
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    Ou net news (reporter Pan Xiuhui correspondent Let xu shun Huang Keren) import is not synonymous with safe and reliable.Inspection and quarantine bureau in wenzhou, according to data released latest July 1 to the agency inspection of 55 batch import machinery and equipment in the products, check out the 22 unqualified batch, percent of pass is 40%.Inspection and quarantine departments to remind, the enterprise when purchasing imported machinery and equipment in addition to the focus on technology, efficiency and other issues, must also attaches great importance to the mechanical equipment safety, health and environmental indicators, in order to avoid damage due to pass the import gate.

    According to introducing, the above 55 batch machinery value $9.483 million, involved in machine tools, lifting and transportation equipment, engineering machinery, light industry machinery, textile printing and dyeing machinery, complete sets of equipment, etc.Among them, check out the unqualified batch, 22 value at $5.811 million.Detect unqualified unqualified project focused on electrical safety, mechanical safety unqualified, security identity unqualified goods discrepancy and general descriptions and qualified four categories, including: a charged body dew, grounding is unqualified, lack of warning labels or non-standard, etc.Inspection and quarantine bureau of wenzhou, mine workers say, the country of origin for Switzerland, Germany imported equipment general quality is good, and the equipment from the United States, Japan, South Korea and qualified rate is higher.

    According to understand, since New Year's day this year, general administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine has been cancelled for import of used mechanical and electronic filing management, if the enterprise in terms of "price", purchase imported advanced manufacturing level, meet the production process of used mechanical and electronic products, the process will be more convenient than the past.

    Ou net news (reporter Pan Xiuhui correspondent Let xu shun Huang Keren) import is not synonymous with safe and reliable.Inspection and quarantine bureau in wenzhou, according to data released latest July 1 to the agency inspection of 55 batch import machinery and equipment in the products, check out the 22 unqualified batch, percent of pass is 40%.Inspection and quarantine departments to remind, the enterprise when purchasing imported machinery and equipment in addition to the focus on technology, efficiency and other issues, must also attaches great importance to the mechanical equipment safety, health and environmental indicators, in order to avoid damage due to pass the import gate.

    According to introducing, the above 55 batch machinery value $9.483 million, involved in machine tools, lifting and transportation equipment, engineering machinery, light industry machinery, textile printing and dyeing machinery, complete sets of equipment, etc.Among them, check out the unqualified batch, 22 value at $5.811 million.Detect unqualified unqualified project focused on electrical safety, mechanical safety unqualified, security identity unqualified goods discrepancy and general descriptions and qualified four categories, including: a charged body dew, grounding is unqualified, lack of warning labels or non-standard, etc.Inspection and quarantine bureau of wenzhou, mine workers say, the country of origin for Switzerland, Germany imported equipment general quality is good, and the equipment from the United States, Japan, South Korea and qualified rate is higher.

    According to understand, since New Year's day this year, general administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine has been cancelled for import of used mechanical and electronic filing management, if the enterprise in terms of "price", purchase imported advanced manufacturing level, meet the production process of used mechanical and electronic products, the process will be more convenient than the past.


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